Founded in 1989 by Christy McDaid, the Willow Wheelers Cycling Club is among the largest cycling clubs in Ireland with a focus on the development of junior cyclists. In addition to adult members of the Willow Wheelers, junior members join from Willow Park Junior School, Willow Park First Year and Blackrock College. Everything you need to know about the Willow Wheelers can be found at www.willowwheelers.club!
Boys typically sign up to the Willow Wheelers in 5th form and must complete a road safety course before starting road cycling. The courses are held in the school grounds on Mondays. As numbers interested are often large there is usually a course pre Christmas and then pre Easter (timing of which may vary each school year). After Easter, on Saturday afternoons, some of the existing members take the 5th form boys and their parents on their first cycles on the roads. The purpose of this is to get these young men used to road cycling and traffic etc. These cycles will typically take place from the school to the Phoenix Park or around the back of UCD through Clonskeagh and up to Sandyford Industrial Estate.
After a few Saturday cycles, one of the highlights for the 5th formers is to join the last 15 miles or so of the annual 100 Mile Charity Cycle, cycling back to the College at the head of the peloton. For new members this is an exciting day out being a part of a peloton of 250+ cyclists coming up the
Rock Road to through the College gates. Through May the 5th formers will then start their own Sunday morning cycle group.
In early June, subject to demand, the Club usually organises a trip to the West of Ireland, usually for 4 or 5 days. Fifth formers and their parents are encouraged to sign up for this. The dates may not suit all families but parents are encouraged to join for the days that they can make it.
The following September last year’s 5th formers, now as 6th formers, start their weekly Sunday morning cycle leaving the school at 10am alongside the other year groups but following their own age appropriate routes and pace.
For boys from other years we would encourage them to enquire about joining as and when they are ready, and not to feel if they didn’t join in 5th they can’t do so now. They may be new to the school, want to change sports they are taking part in, their friends are doing it, just weren’t ready or really aware of what the Willow Wheelers were in 5th form. For these boys and their parents they will be put in touch with the year group leaders, who will give details of times and top tips in terms of equipment or gear they may consider and most importantly a warm welcome should they decide to join a Sunday morning cycle. We would encourage people to come along and get involved, give it a try out.
If you are interested in joining, just contact Christy McDaid through the Willow Wheelers Website.