Message from the Games Master
Mr Rory Crinion
Safety in Rugby and Contact Sports
Rugby Startup:
Safety Measures and Reminders for Coaches, Teachers, Parents and Pupils
We currently employ fifty rugby coaches in Willow Park Junior School. This is to ensure that pupil to coach ratio is small and the safety of the boys is therefore enhanced. These coaches have met with me in small groups where I explained the injury procedure for minor knocks, more serious injuries (of which I hope there are none) and our concussion protocol - which is outlined below.
Coaches back at School!
The coaches were back at school on Friday 8th Sep from 10am - 2pm, where they took part in the following modules delivered by Adam Griggs (Community Rugby Officer from Leinster Rugby) and his colleagues:
- Introduction to Stage 1 Rugby - 'The Game'
- Role of the Coach and Effective Coaching
- Practice Sessions
- Outside Practical: Defence. Individual / Reduced Tackle Technique
- Summary and Close
The coaches have also completed an online concussion module from world rugby and have received certificates.
If parents would like to complete the concussion module from World Rugby view the link here
Concussion Protocol (also available in Willow rugby booklets)
- Coaches must inform Reception / Gamesmaster when a player complains about concussion symptoms in training/game. Gamesmaster then contacts parent/s and advises that they should monitor their child carefully over the following 12 hours and, if concerned in any way, get their child medically examined immediately.
- Should concussion be medically diagnosed, then the parent/s MUST inform Reception (who contacts Gamesmaster) and the Class Teacher. Thereafter, the Gamesmaster will make sure the relevant coaches are informed and that the player follows the ‘Concussion Protocol’ (no contact sports for 23 days). Communication is the key here - both at home, at school and between home and school. Always ‘err’ on the side of safety.
View the Graduated Return to Play grid
Rory Crinion
Gamesmaster WPJS