Enrolment Policy


This policy applies to the process of enrolment into Willow Park Junior School. It encompasses the whole school community with an especial focus on the process of application for entry into Willow Park Junior School and the criteria therein, as laid down by the Board of Management of the school.

A broad outline of school structures is attached to this policy in order to inform prospective parents.


1. The Board of Management of Willow Park Junior School has an obligation to ensure that an enrolment policy is in place that reflects the principles and values of the religious and educational philosophy of the school

2. Willow Park Junior School is a Roman Catholic school under the patronage of the Spiritan Congregation and the trusteeship of the Spiritan Education Trust

As a fee-paying, independent school, Willow Park Junior School has a responsibility to clearly define and explain the criteria for admission and the process therein to all prospective families.


Willow Park Junior School is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in all areas of education. Our aim is to generate and maintain an inclusive climate of learning within which every pupil is enabled to develop and fulfill his own unique potential.

We strive to engage in partnership with the family of each boy, as per our school Mission Statement.


‘Fides et Robur’ (Faith and Strength) is our motto and central to the ‘Willow’ ethos. Our Spiritan ethos fosters a tolerant climate within our school which allows pupils to develop in a caring and secure environment. Willow provides a stimulating education within a moral and supportive community offering an open, transparent and welcoming enrolment structure. The active essence of our ethos promotes a welcoming and inclusive climate for all our pupils and their families within our Catholic and caring ethos.

  • Willow Park Junior School is a Catholic school where priority is given to boys of the School Faith.
  • Willow Park Junior is a large, inclusive Spiritan school where we welcome students of all faiths and none. Our Religious and Faith Formation programme is rooted and guided by our Spiritan ethos. The school is sensitive to and respectful of all faiths – but our daily timetable requires all pupils to attend scheduled classes and associated programmes - be they religious, sporting or academic.
  • Whilst our Spiritan tradition is to respect other faiths, we expect families of other /no faiths to, in turn, respect our ethos and tradition. At key moments of faith formation (eg. 1st Holy Communion Day or Confirmation Day), boys of other/no faith are welcome to attend and observe the celebrations. They do, however, remain present in class during the preparation for these sacramental occasions.
  • Willow Park Junior School supports parents in their responsibility for the spiritual, religious, moral, academic and physical development of their children.
  • The rules and policies of the School aim at creating a community environment in which each pupil can develop his full human and spiritual potential. They are intended to ensure a high standard of behaviour in the community and to encourage courtesy and consideration in the conduct of all.
  • A ‘Willow’ pupil’s conduct should always be governed by consideration for others.

Education flourishes in an environment where good relationships are encouraged, where people feel valued and respected and where there is a genuine tolerance, fairness and support for all.

It is expected that parents wishing to enroll their sons will support the school ethos as espoused by the Mission Statement.

Against a background of the educational philosophy of the congregation of the Holy Spirit in Ireland, Willow Park Junior School aims to provide an environment in which:

  • Faith is nurtured
  • Pupils can explore and learn in a stimulating and secure environment
  • Pupils can develop their full potential
  • Personal responsibility is promoted
  • Tolerance and charity is nurtured
  • Pupils develop an understanding of their Irish cultural heritage, their European - citizenship and their global awareness
  • Parental collaboration is promoted and encouraged
  • Pupils are made aware of the less fortunate in the world and are encouraged to respond positively to acute need

Willow Park Junior School is a mixed ability school for boys. The total enrolment at Willow Park Junior School in 2017-2018 is 620-day pupils. Traditionally, 6th Form pupils of Willow Park Junior School move on to Willow Park 1st Year – thereafter, entering Blackrock College in 2nd Year Secondary. Pupils of Willow Park Junior School have priority of admission into Blackrock College via Willow Park 1st year.


Applications for Willow Park Junior School are obliged to be made in writing to The Registrar.

By return, an application form will be sent to the applicant (or downloaded on this site).

The application form will request personal details including:

  • name & address of boy and parents/guardians
  • date of birth
  • contact telephone numbers/e-mail address
  • details of any medical/psychological condition
  • religion
  • previous schools attended
  • parent/s’ occupation/s
  • nationality of parents and boy

A copy of a recent report and reference will be requested (where applicable) along with any other relevant information. Places are typically awarded 10 to 11 months in advance of commencement. Applications received subsequent to the allocation of places are on a waiting list status only.

-It is recommended that a boy entering Junior Infants in Willow Park Junior School be aged 4 years on or before June 1st of the year of entry.

-Decisions in relation to applications for enrolment are made by the Board of Management of Willow Park Junior School in accordance with school policy.

Order of Priority in Admission

  1. Brothers of existing and past pupils in Willow Park Junior, Willow Park 1st Yr and Blackrock College
  2. Sons of Teachers and nephews/grand-nephews (by blood-line) of the Holy Ghost Community
  3. Sons of past pupils of Willow Park Junior, Willow Park 1st Yr. and Blackrock College
  4. Grandsons, nephews (by blood-line) of past-pupils of Willow Park Junior, Willow Park 1st Yr. and Blackrock College
  5. The Board of Management reserves the right to allocate a limited number of places to applicants on grounds of compassion, or special circumstances. The decision to award any such place will be based on an objective assessment of the particular pupil and his circumstances, including an interview of the pupil and his parents/guardians
  6. Allocation of further places will be based on date of application, with priority given to those who applied earlier. However, once an application has been accepted by the school and subsequently this allocation of a place has been refused or deferred by the parents of the applicant, that application ends and a fresh application is required to be made, or the original application is amended to show the date of deferral. The date of deferral becomes the new application date. This process also applies in the situation of an applicants parent deferring/postponing the application to an entry date later than originally specified

Applicants with special educational needs

Willow Park Junior School, within the context and parameters of resources available, supports the principles of inclusiveness, particularly with reference to the enrolment of children with special educational needs.

  • Parents of an applicant with special educational needs who is eligible/applies to attend Willow Park Junior School are obliged to furnish all relevant medical/psychological/individual educational report(s) to assist in enabling Willow Park Junior School in responding to the special needs of the applicant
  • Where an applicant with Special Needs is eligible/applies to attend Willow Park Junior School, the school management will request a medical/psychological report /Individual Educational Report or an immediate and relevant assessment, in order to assist the school in responding to the special needs of the child
  • Whilst Learning Support is available in Willow Park Junior School, it should be noted that as a privately funded, independent school, Willow Park Junior School receives no resources from the Department of Education and Skills. Thus, the additional educational resources for Special Educational Needs provided by the Department of Education and Skills for state Primary schools are not available to Willow Park Junior School
  • As the Department of Education and Skills does not provide Willow Park Junior School with any of the above necessary resources, we can only cater, in any given year, for a certain number of pupils with learning support requirements

School Transfers

  • A pupil transferring from outside Willow Park Junior School into a year other than Junior Infants may do so, subject to the availability of a place. Such applications should be made in writing to the Registrar. Information concerning previous school attendance and the pupil's educational progress to date and the reasons for the proposed transfer will be required. The School reserves the right to refuse admission to pupils seeking to transfer from other schools. The criteria for enrolment are above under ‘Order of Priority in Admission’.

Right to Refuse

The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse admission in certain circumstances.


  • As an independent Junior School, Willow Park Junior School receives no financial support from the Department of Education and Skills. Thus it is fees dependant. The level of fees is reviewed regularly and decided upon by the Board of Management so that the level of excellence associated with Willow Park is maintained and fostered for future generations of pupils
  • Details of the current fee structure are available from the school Registrar
12 2025
5th Form Musical
13 2025
5th Form Musical
17 2025
Mid-Term Break
14 2025
Grandparents' Day 3rd Form
17 2025
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
Willow Park Junior school,
Co. Dublin,

01 288 1651

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Extra Account
© 2025 Willow Park Junior school