Data Privacy Notice Form

The characteristic spirit of Willow Park Junior School has at its core a desire to promote and protect the dignity of every member of its community, students, staff and parents. The Board of Management is committed to the principles of responsible data protection and is deemed the Data Controller of all personal data the EU General Data Protection Regulation of 2016/679 (GDPR). We take privacy seriously and only use personal information to provide the best educational and pastoral services to meet the needs of all members of the community.By enrolling in and attending Willow Park Junior School, you acknowledge that your personal data (including special category personal data) shall be processed by Willow Park Junior School. This Privacy Notice gives you helpful information about what personal data we collect, why, who we share it with and why, how long we keep it, and the rights of the data subject. Further information is available in our Data Protection Policy on our web site

1. The Information we collect

Pupil’s Personal Data:The personal data we collect can include information about your identity and contact details; images/photo (including CCTV); family details; admission/enrolment details; previous schools; academic progress; PPS number; special educational needs; nationality; language; religion; medical data; information about behaviour and attendance; information about health, safety and welfare; financial information (re fees, grants, scholarships etc.); and other personal data.Sharing data:
To fulfil our legal obligations, relevant data is passed on a private basis onto relevant state agencies as noted under the Legal Obligations section of our Data Protection Policy. These agencies include: the Department of Education and Skills, Educational Research Centre (ERC), the Department of Social Protection, An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive, TUSLA (CFA), social workers or medical practitioners, the National Educational Welfare Board, the National Council for Special Education, relevant Special Education Needs Organiser, the National Educational Psychological Service, or (where the student is transferring) to another school.
The level of sharing and the nature of what is shared depend on various factors. The Government bodies to which we transfer your personal data will use your personal data for their own purposes (including: to verify other information they already hold about you) and they may aggregate it with other information they already hold about you and your family. We also share your personal data with other third parties including our insurance company and other service providers (including IT providers, security providers, legal advisors), We are legally required to provide certain records relating to the progress of a student (under 18 years) in his/her education to the student’s parents/guardians, including results of examinations. For further information on who we share your data with and where it is located please see our Data Protection Policy available at www.willowparkjuniorschool.ieRetention Period:
We will not retain your personal data of your son no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected. A detailed outline of how long it is retained is available in Appendix 1 of the Data Protection Policy on our website.
Parents’ Records:Willow Park Junior School may hold some or all of the following information about parents and/or guardians of pupils: Names and addresses of parents/legal guardians and their contact details (including any special arrangements with regard to guardianship, custody or access); religious belief; financial information, place of work and fees related correspondence.Purposes:
  • To enable parents/guardians to be contacted in the case of emergency or in the case of school closure, or to inform parents of their child’s educational progress or to inform parents of school events etc.
  • To enable the College to manage financial affairs, including the issuing of fee invoices
  • The performance of the contract
  • To manage our business for our legitimate interest
  • To maintain appropriate control of finances and to plan the College’s future
  • For collection of fees and charges
  • Credit management including collecting and enforcing debts and arrears
  • To inform all parents of developmental activities on campus
  • Future reference requests and pastoral purposes
  • Communication purposes
  • Campus development purposes
Sharing data:
To abide by Willow Park Schools and Blackrock College Fees Policy (Campus Fees Policy which is available on our web site) and for the purposes noted above we may share your data with the following bodies/agencies:
  • Willow Park Junior School Finance Sub-Committee of the Board of Management and Blackrock College Finance Sub-Committee of the Board of Management to review instances of overdue balances and decide on the appropriate course of action
  • Relevant data may be passed onto the school’s solicitor or for third party debt collection in the event of outstanding fees and may be passed to our Auditors where relevant in the performance of their duties
  • GDPR compliant iClassCMS bulk messaging service for the purposes stated above. Your phone number will be shared with iClassCMS service provider.
Retention Period:
  • As a general rule financial information data is kept for 7 years, unless there are outstanding fees due or another family member is still a pupil on campus. All the information will be disposed 7 years after the last member of the family leaves the campus or the outstanding balance is discharged.
  • Other personal data is kept according to the Retention Schedule (please see Appendix 1 of Data Protection Policy)

2. Data Subject’s Statutory Rights:

  1. Right to complain to supervisory authority.
  2. Right of access.
  3. Right to rectification.
  4. Right to be forgotten.
  5. Right to restrict processing.
  6. Right to data portability.
  7. Right to object and automated decision making/profiling.

3. Data Access Request:

Contact the Principal either by post or email and we will respond to you within 1 month of receipt of your request.

4. School Contacting You

Willow park Junior School will contact you by post, SMS/text message, call you on the telephone numbers provided or send you emails for all the purposes of::
  • sports days
  • parent teacher meetings
  • school concerts/events
  • parents’ association information
  • school closure (e.g. where there are adverse weather conditions)
  • attendance, department and conduct matters
  • to communicate with you in relation to your child’s social, emotional and educational wellbeing and to contact you in the case of an emergency
  • before and after school activities
  • financial matters
  • school uniform
  • books suppliers information

5. Photographs/Videos of Students:

The School maintains a database of photographs/video of school events or rugby matches (for educational purposes and internal use only). Photographs/video may be published on School website, digital displays around the College or in brochures, annuals, newsletters, local and national newspapers and similar School-related productions.You have the right to withdraw your consent for future publications at any time. Please notify the school in writing when you decide to withdraw your consent

6. Contact Us

In the event of any queries a contact should be made with the Principal of Willow Park Junior School.Data Controller: The Board of Management,
Data Protection Officer: James Docherty, Principal
Willow Park Junior School
Rock Road
Co Dublin
(01) 7060 605
If the parent is dissatisfied with Blackrock College processing personal data in accordance with the law, a complaint can be made directly to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner at: info@dataprotection.iePostal Address:
Data Protection Commissioner
Canal House
Station Road
R32 AP23 Co. Laois

Consent I give consent for photographs/videos of my child to be taken as part of school activities and included in all such records
Please sign a separate form for each of your sons attending Willow Park Junior School.
Your Name
Son's Full Name
Son's Class (e.g. 5th form St Johns)
20 2025
Diversity and Inclusion week
03 2025
St Brigid's Day - Bank Holiday
12 2025
5th Form Musical
13 2025
5th Form Musical
17 2025
Mid-Term Break
Willow Park Junior school,
Co. Dublin,

01 288 1651

School Account
Extra Account
© 2025 Willow Park Junior school